Author: Ravinder Singh
ISBN: 9780143418764
No. Of Pages: 206 Pages
My Rating: 0/5
‘I too had a love story” is a love tale of both, the author and protagonist, Ravinder Singh. He registers himself on a matrimonial website and after four months he receives an SMS from a girl, Khushi. He eagerly check her profile on the same matrimonial website and likes her. They try to know each other and remain in touch by talking over the phone. Their telephonic conversations get converted into love, without then having personally met each other. They then eventually greet. Their love progress and after greeting each other’s parents their relationship takes a quantum leap; they decide to get engage. But their calamitous dark fortune does not approve of their relation and Khushi encounters with a massive and severe accident in which she dies, ironically.
Why I did not appreciated, “I Too Had A Love story”.
1. What disappoints me the most is the lack of grip the author has over English Literature.
2. Poor sentences. Their construction is ridiculous as Ravinder singh is NOT a professional writer, he only presumes to be.
3. While reading the book, you’ll fell like a fifth grade child is narrating the story. A childish endeavour I’ll say.
4. Poor Vocabulary. His vocabulary is akin to a school going kid.
5. Though people, including the author say, “It is a true love tale” but while reading the book I didn’t felt any glimpses of close association with the reality.
6. There are several sub and small plots added in the book which have ruined the book totally.
7. All the telephonic conversations between Ravinder Singh and Khushi are idiotically wretched.
8. The end of the book was trio, boring, predictable and pathetic.
9. When we have authors like Erich Sehgal than why read I too had a Love Story.
10. Thousands of book get published everyday and this book is one of them which only make money and burden the reader’s pocket.
Every Tom, Dick and Harry has a story like this. Ravinder Singh should have stopped with this book (he has published his second book too) and not let Idiots allow him to waddle in its fame and glory. I wonder, why he titled the book, “I Too had a Love Story”, it should be named, “I too had a wretched Love Story”
I do not recommend reading this book as it is all about squandering time, money, energy and sweat.
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